Here’s an overview of what’s in each file. Download Link and More Images Below the Cut! I wasn’t able to replicate the bug myself, but I separated them from the rest of the set so you can choose not to download them.

**I wasn’t sure about posting these modular shelves - They are based on the Dream Home Decorator modular system (still BGC though!), so they are made to slot to each other, but I know some people have had problems with things disappearing from the EA shelves. Until I can purchase the pack I won’t be able to fix it, but I will keep you all updated! * Someone on kindly informed me that my functional tea kettle in the Addons file no longer works with the new Wedding Stories GP. I feel like I’ve learned so, so much in doing this set, and I am really looking forward to implementing my new skills! Please let me know if you run into any problems! This is the biggest cc project I’ve ever undertaken, and it took me so long to finish because I was working on/off it for months. You can find the Buy items by searching “Back to Basics” in the search bar. MadameRiaBacktoBasics Modular Shelves**.This kitchen set comes in five parts, with the swatches of the main components split into two standalone zip files: